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Abbey of our Lady of New Melleray

The following is the only surviving document from Abbey of our Lady New Melleray where…

The Desert Fathers

Charles would often share John Cassian’s work describing the Desert Fathers during his monthly meditations…

Eight lonely paths

Love and Solitude

A lovely gift treasured by Charles and given to the Colony of Hermits on the…

History of St John the Baptist Hermit Colony on the Tsolum River

Father Charles Brandt came to Vancouver Island in 1965 to join the Hermits of St…

On Pollution – A Minister Speaks Out

One of Charles’ earliest published newspaper articles in the form of a sermon he gave…

Cold Mountain

Charles was deeply steeped in the Zen tradition while a Catholic priest in the early…

Public Presentations

Charles throughout much of his life assumed a rather heavy schedule of leading retreats, letter…

In touch with spirit

Quote: “My whole concern is to be in touch with my whole being, body, soul…

Basil Pennington

Charles kept in contact with many contemplative contemporaries. One was Basil Pennington who wrote a…

Basil Pennington

Basil Pennington was another contemporary of Charles whom he held in high esteem and corresponded…

Br David Steindl-Rast

Charles appetite for modern contemplative writers expands after his return from Winnipeg back to his…

On Spirituality

This excerpt by Charles shows a stage of his spiritual journey in 1985, where he…

My Hermitage

Quote: Charles describing the place of his hermitage “I don’t think of it as a…

7 Day Zen Retreat

Charles was constantly expanding his experience and knowledge with Eastern spiritual traditions. In the following…

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!