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Articles which influenced Fr Charles Brandt

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Lives of Heart and Soul – Maclean’s Magazine – 1987 Article

In the late 1980’s there was a growing contemplative – new consciousness movement across Canada…

East-West Dialogue

Several conversations between Charles and Bede Griffiths, Pascaline Coff and Thomas Keating came about because…

Letter from Bede Griffiths – Response to Vatican

A remarkable response from Bede Griffiths to the Vatican’s discourse on the rise of meditation.

Document on Christian Meditation Found Wanting

Charles introduces Bede Griffiths response to Vatican document on prayer and meditation. Bede Griffiths in…

Of the waning years

A poem found in Charles’ archives. It is from Thomas Wolfe, You Can’t Go Home Again.…

Interesting Connections Between St Charles de Foucauld and Father Charles

Father Charles would often share the story of how he came to possess the brass…

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