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Cold Mountain

Charles was deeply steeped in the Zen tradition while a Catholic priest in the early…

Swami Abhishiktananda

In many of Charles’ meditation retreats beginning around 1988, he would share a video recording…

Meditation and Action: Both Sides of the Same Coin by Paul Harris

Charles was sent many documents on meditation and contemplation by his friends and colleagues in…

Retreat teaching by C Brandt

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be…

Peace and Planetary Survival by C Brandt

Quote: “There’s a cease fire in the Gulf, but organized killing continues within Iraq and…

The Cloud of Unknowing

Charles would often share the wisdom contained within a book he recommended to his meditators,…

Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts

The following is the unedited interview between Charles and Dave Cherniak in preparation for the…

Have a real, non-intellectual experience, urges hermit priest

Charles Brandt was regularly called up on to share his life experiences with various religious…

Report on Jubilee Promise and Peril Symposium by Frater Charles Brandt erm.

Fr Charles writes about how we can foster a sense of Wonder, we need to…

The Psychology of Centering Prayer

The following article written by Thomas Keating was shared with Charles’ meditation group in 2003.…

Of the waning years

A poem found in Charles’ archives. It is from Thomas Wolfe, You Can’t Go Home Again.…

Thomas Merton: Soul of the Age

(Note: Charles would often send out articles that were particularly insightful to his circle of…

Raven’s Bread – Thoughts In Solitude

Raven’s Bread is a quarterly newsletter shared among hermits. The following is an article written…

A Benign Presence: Meditations

(From Charles Brandt’s Archives – C Brandt, date unknown) Time past and time future What…

Turning Point – Charles Brandt and Thomas Merton

With special thanks to Anne Davies for offering this most beautiful gift.

True Self / Separate Self

Charles Brandt would often offer a teaching at the beginning of his monthly meditations. The…

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