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On Spirituality

This excerpt by Charles shows a stage of his spiritual journey in 1985, where he…

My Hermitage

Quote: Charles describing the place of his hermitage “I don’t think of it as a…

Karl Rahner

Karl Rahner was a major early influence on not only Charles’ thinking about contemplation but…

Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics

Quotes: “Today, throughout the earth we seem to have unleashed powers that we can no…

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect – Part 1 by Rev. Charles A.E. Brandt (YDE)

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect Part 1 by REV. CHARLES BRANDT (YDE) THE EXODUS OF…

Father Charles Brandt – Local priest wins Haig-Brown honor, celebrates his 25th

A double celebration of 25th anniversary of priesthood and 12th winner of the Haig-Brown Conservation…

The Cloud of Unknowing

Charles would often share the wisdom contained within a book he recommended to his meditators,…

A Spiritual Nature

Quotes: “There are four ways of improving our relationship with nature…One is to have a…

Have a real, non-intellectual experience, urges hermit priest

Charles Brandt was regularly called up on to share his life experiences with various religious…

Our Spirit and Our Soul

 Teaching notes from Charles archives.                                                            OUR SPIRIT What is our ‘ spirit ‘?  Our…

Thomas Merton: Soul of the Age

(Note: Charles would often send out articles that were particularly insightful to his circle of…

Raven’s Bread – Thoughts In Solitude

Raven’s Bread is a quarterly newsletter shared among hermits. The following is an article written…

A Benign Presence: Meditations

(From Charles Brandt’s Archives – C Brandt, date unknown) Time past and time future What…

True Self / Separate Self

Charles Brandt would often offer a teaching at the beginning of his monthly meditations. The…

Spirituality of the Environment

Spirituality of the Environment Father Charles Alfred Edwin Brandt (Yde) We shall not cease from…

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