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Thomas Berry Draft 1 by C Brandt
December 12, 2023
Forward in the Spirit – A New Consciousness by Fr Charles Brandt
December 13, 2023
Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics
January 16, 1988
Raven’s Bread – Thoughts In Solitude
May 30, 2009
Our planet is calling for us to care
October 27, 1989
Environment and Spirituality by Fr Charles Brandt
March 27, 1996
Environment is Everybody’s Business
January 17, 1991
Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts
November 25, 1993
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Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics
Quotes: “Today, throughout the earth we seem to have unleashed powers that we can no…

Swami Abhishiktananda
In many of Charles’ meditation retreats beginning around 1988, he would share a video recording…

Bede Griffiths
Fr Charles visited Bede Griffiths’ ashram, Shantivanum in India in the late 1980’s. Bede wrote…

Our planet is calling for us to care
Quotes: “To be heard by humans, the Earth needs a human voice. Many human voices.…

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect – Part 1 by Rev. Charles A.E. Brandt (YDE)
Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect Part 1 by REV. CHARLES BRANDT (YDE) THE EXODUS OF…

Retreat teaching by C Brandt
We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be…

BC Outdoors Magazine – Father Charles Brandt – A Profile
Charles notes in this article that he is concerned with preserving man’s spirit, restoring what…

Environment is Everybody’s Business
Quotes: “But the experience of despair suggests that such numbness and apathy does not stem…

Our ecological crisis spiritual problem
Quotes: “It’s (our ecological crisis) resolution depends on a basic transformation of human hearts and…

A New Consciousness
Passages of a letter to Iris Skeoch Editor in Chief, Harpers Collins, CanadaFrom Fr Charles…

The hermit of Vancouver Island
Quote: “(a life of prayer and contemplation)…is absolutely essential. Through it we enter into the…

Christian Meditation by those who practice it by Paul T Harris (Section by Charles AE Brandt)
Quote: “…we meditate to leave ourselves (our false self or ego) behind, to fall into…

Father Charles Brandt – Canada’s Hermit Priest
Published in Sacred Spaces – Canadian Coalition for Ecology, Ethics and Religion Vol.3, No 4…

Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts
The following is the unedited interview between Charles and Dave Cherniak in preparation for the…