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Abbey of our Lady of New Melleray

The following is the only surviving document from Abbey of our Lady New Melleray where…

Contemplative Life Achieves Renewed Attention

Quotes: “In meditation we are trying to do something immeasurably more than seeking to think…

Bede Griffiths

Fr Charles visited Bede Griffiths’ ashram, Shantivanum in India in the late 1980’s. Bede wrote…

Letter from Bede Griffiths – Response to Vatican

A remarkable response from Bede Griffiths to the Vatican’s discourse on the rise of meditation.

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect – Part 1 by Rev. Charles A.E. Brandt (YDE)

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect Part 1 by REV. CHARLES BRANDT (YDE) THE EXODUS OF…

Retreat teaching by C Brandt

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be…

Meditation: Is East least and West best?

Remi De Roo had asked Charles to formulate a response to the Vatican’s Congregation for…

Document on Christian Meditation Found Wanting

Charles introduces Bede Griffiths response to Vatican document on prayer and meditation. Bede Griffiths in…

Document on Christian Meditation Found Wanting By Rev Charles Brandt, Black Creek

A strong united response by Contemplatives to the Catholic church’s letter by Archbishop Ratzinger on…

Peace and Planetary Survival by C Brandt

Quote: “There’s a cease fire in the Gulf, but organized killing continues within Iraq and…

A New Consciousness

Passages of a letter to Iris Skeoch Editor in Chief, Harpers Collins, CanadaFrom Fr Charles…

Christian Meditation by those who practice it by Paul T Harris (Section by Charles AE Brandt)

Quote: “…we meditate to leave ourselves (our false self or ego) behind, to fall into…

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