Dream of the Earth
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The Hermit Priest – Harrowsmith
October 1, 1992
Letter to Harper Collins Publishers
April 9, 1992
The Universe as a Sacred Commons by Father Charles A.E. Brandt, erm
September 21, 2012
Charles Brandt-Oracle of the Oyster River In Hakai Magazine
September 11, 2018
The hermit of Vancouver Island
September 27, 1992
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Father Charles Brandt – Local priest wins Haig-Brown honor, celebrates his 25th
A double celebration of 25th anniversary of priesthood and 12th winner of the Haig-Brown Conservation…

Letter to Harper Collins Publishers
Quotes: “When I was 13 I had an experience that set me on the journey.…

The hermit of Vancouver Island
Quote: “(a life of prayer and contemplation)…is absolutely essential. Through it we enter into the…

The Hermit Priest – Harrowsmith
Quotes: “People in contemplation are assisting in bringing about a major planetary shift in consciousness…..They’re…

The Universe as a Sacred Commons by Father Charles A.E. Brandt, erm
This speech was likely written sometime between 2009 and 2012. The contents of this speech…

Charles Brandt-Oracle of the Oyster River In Hakai Magazine
Please click the link below. https://hakaimagazine.com/features/the-oracle-of-oyster-river/ Brian Payton received a Digital Publishing Award for this…