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BC Outdoors Magazine – Father Charles Brandt – A Profile

Charles notes in this article that he is concerned with preserving man’s spirit, restoring what…

Environment is Everybody’s Business

Quotes: “But the experience of despair suggests that such numbness and apathy does not stem…

A New Consciousness

Father Charles was constantly pushing the envelope to remind us all that a New Consciousness…

A tribute to Rob Bell-Irving

There were many community members that inspired Charles to care for the wilderness. Charles clipped…

Loving the earth and loving ourselves

Quotes: “Many activists who rouse us to the fact that our survival is at stake…

Change is necessary By Father Charles Brandt

Quotes: “We are part of the earth and it is part of us.” – prayer…

Peace and Planetary Survival by C Brandt

Quote: “There’s a cease fire in the Gulf, but organized killing continues within Iraq and…

Hundreds march for peace, environment

Charles was asked to give a speech at this rally which he attended. His speech…

Fletcher Challenge supports watershed

Setting the tone of discussion goes a long ways to finding common ground. In a…

Father Charles Brandt – Local priest wins Haig-Brown honor, celebrates his 25th

A double celebration of 25th anniversary of priesthood and 12th winner of the Haig-Brown Conservation…

Hermit Priest

Quotes: “You just put one foot in front of the other, with no destination in…

Retreat an opportunity to ‘dance with steelhead’

Rob Irving-Bell offers a compelling call for people to attend one of Father Charles Brandt’s…

Our ecological crisis spiritual problem

Quotes: “It’s (our ecological crisis) resolution depends on a basic transformation of human hearts and…

Charles Brandt’s 25th Anniversary Celebration in Campbell River

Quotes: Four Priorities “Firstly, we must be attentive to science and realize that all is…

The Cloud of Unknowing

Charles would often share the wisdom contained within a book he recommended to his meditators,…

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