Environmental Projects
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Group wants to save Pearl lake
January 30, 2008
Feds fund watershed rehab
July 22, 1997
Debates of the Legislative Assembly
May 6, 1986
Abuse and Misuse Damage Island River
September 22, 1995
Mount Washington ARD Remediation Plan
March 19, 2007
Group gears up to save the Tsolum River
May 11, 2007
Mt Washington Reports
March 28, 1996
Abuse and misuse damage river
September 9, 1995
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Letter from Ministry of Environment
The tone and contents of this letter from the Ministry of Environment reflects a collaborative…

Rivers Forever by Rev Charles Brandt
Quotes: “We stand at a turning point. How can we keep the earth viable? Those…

Our planet is calling for us to care
Quotes: “To be heard by humans, the Earth needs a human voice. Many human voices.…

Biography by C Brandt
The following is a transcript of an audio recording. Unfortunately the recording has been lost.…