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Father Charles Brandt – Local priest wins Haig-Brown honor, celebrates his 25th

A double celebration of 25th anniversary of priesthood and 12th winner of the Haig-Brown Conservation…

Hermit Priest

Quotes: “You just put one foot in front of the other, with no destination in…

Charles Brandt’s 25th Anniversary Celebration in Campbell River

Quotes: Four Priorities “Firstly, we must be attentive to science and realize that all is…

Letter to Harper Collins Publishers

Quotes: “When I was 13 I had an experience that set me on the journey.…

The Hermit Priest – Harrowsmith

Quotes: “People in contemplation are assisting in bringing about a major planetary shift in consciousness…..They’re…

Comox Valley Priest Featured on CBC’s Man Alive

Quotes: “Why is there disunity in the world today? …because we are a dysfunctional society….If…

Father Brandt preaches contemplation conservation

Quotes: There’s this surface consciousness, but we have an even deeper level, and that’s really…

Father Charles Brandt – Canada’s Hermit Priest

Published in Sacred Spaces – Canadian Coalition for Ecology, Ethics and Religion Vol.3, No 4…

Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts

The following is the unedited interview between Charles and Dave Cherniak in preparation for the…

On Sacred Ground

Quotes: “Everything out there is articulating itself, it’s expressing itself and if we were sensitive…

The ancient art of book-binding

Planted Near Running Water

Quotes: “To help bring about a deepening relationship between the human community, and the earth…

Hermit-priest finds peace in nature

Quotes: “There is no spiritual practice that leads us into communion with the natural world…

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!