Notable Letters Written by Charles
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Reclaiming a River
September 26, 1997
The ultimate solution
July 1, 1995
Tsolum cleaning
January 1, 1989
What about the work results?
February 4, 1994
Letter to Harper Collins Publishers
April 9, 1992
Rivers Forever
January 23, 1989
Tsolum still dead as crucial report moulders
March 1, 1991
Raven’s Bread – Thoughts In Solitude
May 30, 2009
Thanks for the time
November 8, 1995
The Tsolum Watershed Revisited
September 1, 1995
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How it should be – Hope for the Tsolum River springs from the grassroot level
This article written by Father Charles Brandt in 1995 provides a history of the Mt…

Many contributed to Tsolum woes by Father Charles Brandt
Quotes: “There is a groundswell of renewed interest in the Tsolum River Watershed. It is…

Christian Meditation: A Hermit Priest’s Reflections by Rev Charles A E Brandt (Yde)
Quotes: “My hermitage is located in the heart of the ancient temperate rainforest, mid-Vancouver Island,…

The Tsolum Watershed Revisited
Quotes: “We need only listen to what the earth is telling us.” “We fail to…

Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows
Quotes: “We only need to listen to what the earth is telling us. We are…

Earth Story, Sacred Story, Universe Story by Father Charles A.E. Brandt (Yde)
Quotes: “Our ‘inmost truth’ is our true self that sleeps within us waiting to be…

Release report on Tsolum
Charles would be relentless in gathering the technical engineering reports which would assess the current…

Reclaiming a River
Quotes: “The ultimate custody of the earth belongs to the earth. The earth will solve…

If only we had listened to the earth
Quotes: “We fail to realize that the natural world is not a collection of objects…

Theology Runs Through It
Quote: “We cannot be ourselves without every other creature and being in the universe. The…

Spirituality and the Earth
Charles Brandt wrote many letters to the editor pointing towards a different way of living…

Raven’s Bread – Thoughts In Solitude
Raven’s Bread is a quarterly newsletter shared among hermits. The following is an article written…

The Saga of the Tsolum River by Charles Brandt
Charles Brandt describes the history of the restoration of the Tsolum River by placing a…