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Clayoquot violates natives

Father Charles Brandt would often write in defense of First Nations peoples. This began in…

Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts

The following is the unedited interview between Charles and Dave Cherniak in preparation for the…

On Sacred Ground

Quotes: “Everything out there is articulating itself, it’s expressing itself and if we were sensitive…

Mine clean-up has been a failure

Quotes: “Maybe if we make enough noise it will get some attention”

How it should be – Hope for the Tsolum River springs from the grassroot level

This article written by Father Charles Brandt in 1995 provides a history of the Mt…

Saving the Tsolum

Quotes: “By working together to solve a problem each party will gain more than it…

Many contributed to Tsolum woes by Father Charles Brandt

Quotes: “There is a groundswell of renewed interest in the Tsolum River Watershed. It is…

Christian Meditation: A Hermit Priest’s Reflections by Rev Charles A E Brandt (Yde)

Quotes: “My hermitage is located in the heart of the ancient temperate rainforest, mid-Vancouver Island,…

The Tsolum Watershed Revisited

Quotes: “We need only listen to what the earth is telling us.” “We fail to…

Abuse and Misuse Damage Island River

Quote: “We fail to realize that the natural world is not a collection of objects…

Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows

Quotes: “We only need to listen to what the earth is telling us. We are…

Earth Story, Sacred Story, Universe Story by Father Charles A.E. Brandt (Yde)

Quotes: “Our ‘inmost truth’ is our true self that sleeps within us waiting to be…

Planted Near Running Water

Quotes: “To help bring about a deepening relationship between the human community, and the earth…

A Spiritual Nature

Quotes: “There are four ways of improving our relationship with nature…One is to have a…

Have a real, non-intellectual experience, urges hermit priest

Charles Brandt was regularly called up on to share his life experiences with various religious…

Hermit-priest finds peace in nature

Quotes: “There is no spiritual practice that leads us into communion with the natural world…

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