Hermitage Sanctuary: A Call for Contemplatives - Click to Find Out More

A Call for Contemplatives

Contemplative in Residence: Application
Board Members': Application


The Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society is a non-profit society that is dedicated to preserving the memory and promoting the legacy of Catholic hermit-priest Father Charles Brandt (1923-2020). Fr. Charles spent many years discerning his vocation, but eventually landed in Black Creek, British Columbia. During his discernment, Fr. Charles met with many spiritual teachers including the famous writer, Thomas Merton. For many years, Fr. Charles travelled for his work as a specialist in text preservation and restoration. After living briefly with a small community of hermits, Fr. Charles moved his hermitage to the current site on the Oyster River.

Rather than escaping from the world, Fr. Charles was drawn more deeply into it. He loved the local landscape and ecology, and following his intellectual hero Fr. Thomas Berry, he became an advocate for the protection of salmon, rivers and old growth forests. This model of contemplative ecology integrates concern for the more than human world with a deep spiritual longing for oneness with the Divine.

The Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society is dedicated not only to maintaining the hermitage where Fr. Charles lived, but also to promoting his vision for a deeper integration of ecology and spirituality. We are very excited to be able to offer Fr. Charles’ hermitage as a space for a contemplative to deepen their own practice and share some insights into the spiritual life with our community.

The hermitage sits on 28 acres that is in the process of becoming a public park as Fr. Charles wished. The structure which Fr. Charles built himself is fully furnished with all basic amenities and covered carport. There are stairs to the bedroom on the second floor and a lovely porch and garden area. It is the perfect retreat for someone on sabbatical.


  • This residency is open to individuals of any faith or path. We are not looking for a specific religious or spiritual background, except that contemplative practice is embodied in one’s work, practice or art.
  • The resident will commit to a minimum of three months with a maximum of one year of residency. Additional time would have to be approved by the Board.
  • Because residents will have to support themselves (just as Fr. Charles did), the ideal resident is either retired, on sabbatical, or has local, part time, or online employment.
  • The resident agrees to a monthly donation toward building operating costs with a sliding scale from $600-$800.
  • The resident is responsible for their own food and living costs.
  • Partners or pets are not permitted during the residency.
  • The resident agrees to lead a “contemplative” public offering once for every three months they are in residence related to their work.We would also like to continue Fr. Charles tradition of hosting a 1-hour meditation in the hermitage once a month.

Application Materials

To apply please send:

  • Two-to-five-page letter of interest that explores the question “what is the role of a contemplative in our contemporary world?”
  • A complete and up to date CV, including details about any employment or work obligations during the residency.
  • A list of any creative works, writings or books. With at least one image, excerpt or link.
  • One professional and one personal letter of reference.

Send these to jason.minton.brown@gmail.com by Sept. 1, 2024. We will begin scheduling based on availability and applicants compatibility with the values and vision of the Society.

For more information about the Society and Fr. Charles Brandt see https://charlesbrandt.ca/

Board Members' for Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society

The Society is seeking Board members to help us preserve the memory, home, and ecology conservation work of Father Charles Brandt.

Charles’ hermitage, library and archive, will continue as a place for study, contemplation, retreat, meetings, and workshops.

If you feel called to share in the development of the Hermitage Sanctuary and would like more information:

Contact Us for Inquiry

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!