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On Pollution – A Minister Speaks Out

One of Charles’ earliest published newspaper articles in the form of a sermon he gave…

Retreat teaching by C Brandt

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be…

BC Outdoors Magazine – Father Charles Brandt – A Profile

Charles notes in this article that he is concerned with preserving man’s spirit, restoring what…

Environment is Everybody’s Business

Quotes: “But the experience of despair suggests that such numbness and apathy does not stem…

Change is necessary By Father Charles Brandt

Quotes: “We are part of the earth and it is part of us.” – prayer…

Charles Brandt’s 25th Anniversary Celebration in Campbell River

Quotes: Four Priorities “Firstly, we must be attentive to science and realize that all is…

Letter to Harper Collins Publishers

Quotes: “When I was 13 I had an experience that set me on the journey.…

Father Brandt preaches contemplation conservation

Quotes: There’s this surface consciousness, but we have an even deeper level, and that’s really…

Native hopes build with appointment of Petter

Charles Brandt was advocating on behalf of First Nations for a long period of time.…

Clayoquot violates natives

Father Charles Brandt would often write in defense of First Nations peoples. This began in…

A Spiritual Nature

Quotes: “There are four ways of improving our relationship with nature…One is to have a…

Four Book Reviews of Meditations From the Wilderness and Self and Environment

“Meditation,” as Brandt explains, “is simply learning to pay attention.”

A Conversation at the Hermitage

Interview with Charles by David Brown of Shaw TV Quotes: “… how would I define…

Thomas Berry Draft 1 by C Brandt

Charles wrote a four drafts entitled Berry. Each is a reflection of Charles’ ever evolving…

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