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Swami Abhishiktananda

In many of Charles’ meditation retreats beginning around 1988, he would share a video recording…

Raimon Panikkar

The influence of Raimon Panikkar on Bede Griffiths and Henri Le Saux was quite profound…

Bede Griffiths

Fr Charles visited Bede Griffiths’ ashram, Shantivanum in India in the late 1980’s. Bede wrote…

Meditation and Action: Both Sides of the Same Coin by Paul Harris

Charles was sent many documents on meditation and contemplation by his friends and colleagues in…

Letter to Bede Griffiths

A New Consciousness

Father Charles was constantly pushing the envelope to remind us all that a New Consciousness…

The Cloud of Unknowing

Charles would often share the wisdom contained within a book he recommended to his meditators,…

Mt Washington Mine Reclamation Project Committee

The following document highlights the breadth of the multi-stakeholder working group of which Father Charles…

A Spiritual Nature

Quotes: “There are four ways of improving our relationship with nature…One is to have a…

Hermit-priest finds peace in nature

Quotes: “There is no spiritual practice that leads us into communion with the natural world…

Four Book Reviews of Meditations From the Wilderness and Self and Environment

“Meditation,” as Brandt explains, “is simply learning to pay attention.”

A Long Road to Restoration

The following is a summary of the history of the Mt Washington Mine and its…

Hermit priest keeps doing just what he loves

Stephen Hume writes: “Brandt represents an ancient tradition of wise men and women withdrawing from…

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