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Mine meeting fails to bring cash back
October 20, 1995
Tsolum R pollution is probed
June 28, 1985
NOAMI – 2003 Case Study of the Mt Washington Mine
October 2, 2003
‘A River Runs Through It’ only if watchdog repaid with support
October 19, 1994
Everyone wants piece of Oyster River action
June 24, 1973
A Place In The Universe by Mark Hume
April 7, 2001
Mine clean-up starts
September 2, 1988
Environmental action needed to restore salmon
January 28, 1988
Washing continues at mine
February 15, 1991
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BC Outdoors Magazine – Father Charles Brandt – A Profile
Charles notes in this article that he is concerned with preserving man’s spirit, restoring what…

Hundreds march for peace, environment
Charles was asked to give a speech at this rally which he attended. His speech…

Fletcher Challenge supports watershed
Setting the tone of discussion goes a long ways to finding common ground. In a…