Hermitage Sanctuary: A Call for Contemplatives - Click to Find Out More

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Priest gets Cal Woods award

Letter from Ministry of Environment

The tone and contents of this letter from the Ministry of Environment reflects a collaborative…

Father Charles Brandt – Local priest wins Haig-Brown honor, celebrates his 25th

A double celebration of 25th anniversary of priesthood and 12th winner of the Haig-Brown Conservation…

Retreat an opportunity to ‘dance with steelhead’

Rob Irving-Bell offers a compelling call for people to attend one of Father Charles Brandt’s…

The Hermit Priest – Harrowsmith

Quotes: “People in contemplation are assisting in bringing about a major planetary shift in consciousness…..They’re…

River crusader welcomes grant

Local priest to receive award for work with Tsolum River restoration

Quotes: “The copper in the river was a disruptive influence to fish in the wild,…

Narwal Article- Tsolum River Cleanup

ON THE GROUND Three years of mining, 40 years of taxpayer clean up for river…

2020 Lifetime-Achievement Nature Inspiration Award

Quotes: “The human and natural communities must come together as one community.” “Father Charles lived…

Conservationist hailed for dedication, work

Quote: “If you get close enough to nature, you get close to God.”

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!