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On Pollution – A Minister Speaks Out

One of Charles’ earliest published newspaper articles in the form of a sermon he gave…

The Tsolum River is dead!

The following letter launched a flurry of activity within the various federal and provincial government…

Salmon Escapement To The Tsolum River

(1946-1986) The attached document is interesting as the earlier decimation of salmon stocks in the…

Debates of the Legislative Assembly

Charles in his lobbying efforts was also aware of the importance of bringing the voice…

Rivers Forever

Letter from Ministry of Environment

The tone and contents of this letter from the Ministry of Environment reflects a collaborative…

Rivers Forever by Rev Charles Brandt

Quotes: “We stand at a turning point. How can we keep the earth viable? Those…

Biography by C Brandt

The following is a transcript of an audio recording. Unfortunately the recording has been lost.…

A tribute to Rob Bell-Irving

There were many community members that inspired Charles to care for the wilderness. Charles clipped…

Fletcher Challenge supports watershed

Setting the tone of discussion goes a long ways to finding common ground. In a…

Progress being made on leaching

Charles was involved in the discussions and implementation of a long list of acid and…

Questions or Comments?

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