Mt Washington Mine/Cleanup
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Salmon Escapement To The Tsolum River
March 29, 1986
Mt Washington Open-Pit Mine – A Producing Mine
August 24, 1964
Saving the Tsolum
July 5, 1995
Valley rivers on ‘endangered ‘ list
April 9, 1999
The second Tsolum River is dead! letter
December 10, 1987
Half a million pinks to be released come spring
February 9, 2001
Environmental action needed to restore salmon
January 28, 1988
Tsolum River Task Force Reports 2006-2007
March 30, 2006
What to Help?
Do you have a calling or want to share your skills or knowledge? If so, we are always looking for support. Please have a look at our Volunteer Form and if it sounds good to you, take that step. =)

Evaluation and Costing of Remediation Options North Pit and East Waste Rock Dump – Mt Washington Mine Site
The following document outlines the Terms of Reference for a subsequent phase of work on…

A Case Study of Community Engagement – National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative
The article provides a history of the Tsolum River Task Force in 2006 set up…

Remediation work imminent on abandoned copper mine
Quote: “This is just tremendous…we’ve been working on it for over 25 years”