Hermitage Sanctuary: A Call for Contemplatives - Click to Find Out More

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Our planet is calling for us to care

Quotes: “To be heard by humans, the Earth needs a human voice. Many human voices.…

Paper is Fragile

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect – Part 1 by Rev. Charles A.E. Brandt (YDE)

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect Part 1 by REV. CHARLES BRANDT (YDE) THE EXODUS OF…

Meditation: Is East least and West best?

Remi De Roo had asked Charles to formulate a response to the Vatican’s Congregation for…

More work set on copper leak

Mine gets clean up

Hermit priest pursues books

Environment is Everybody’s Business

Quotes: “But the experience of despair suggests that such numbness and apathy does not stem…

Washing continues at mine

A tribute to Rob Bell-Irving

There were many community members that inspired Charles to care for the wilderness. Charles clipped…

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