Hermitage Sanctuary: A Call for Contemplatives - Click to Find Out More


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The Rearing of a Cowbird by Acadian Flycatchers by Alfred E. Brandt

As a result of his study of Ornithology at Cornell University, Charles (Alfred) wrote about…

The CBC (Christmas Bird Count) – a whole day that’s for the birds

An extensive database of bird sightings by Charles Brandt extends back into the 1960’s and…

River visitor

Father Charles Brandt was often called upon to help identify rare species of birds found…

Little Blue Heron a rare bird indeed

Rare Albino Sapsucker

Charles Brandt wanted us to fall in love with the natural world. One way was…

Owls invade CFB Comox

Rare goose spotted

Rare bird sighting reported

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!