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Atlantic Conservation Centre

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Process Used in Making Aquatints for Atlantic Neptune

Description of the use of aquatints in making the Atlantic Neptune charts.

National Recognition of Paper and Book Conservation Skills

This is one of many document which reflect the level of skill Charles had become…

Invitation to Present to ICC on the Atlantic Neptune

Invitation to present paper to the International Institute for Conservation on the restoration of the…

History of the Atlantic Neptune

A detailed description by R Lingel in the Bulletin of The New York Public Library…

Memoires of Des Barres

By http://maps.bpl.org – [A chart of Boston Bay], CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27807478

K0593_641, 27/1/05, 4:05 pm, 8C, 5440x7104 (560+320), 100%, Max Maps & Cha, 1/50 s, R5.0, G41.7, B54.7

Atlantic Neptune Restoration – C Brandt Presentation to The International Institute for Conservation

This presentation was given by C Brandt while working for the Atlantic Conservation Centre in…

History of DesBarres and the Atlantic Neptune by John Clarence Webster

History of the DesBarres and the Atlantic Neptune Nautical Charts of the British Royal Navy…

Survey of Law Library of the University of New Brunswick by C Brandt

Survey of Law Library conditions at the Law Library of the University of New Brunswick.

Mylar Encapsulation

Charles wrote several technical papers on paper restoration and book binding. The following is a…

Application for Position of Conservator with Manitoba Government

A 1982 picture of Charles Brandt at the ribbon cutting of the Manitoba’s Document Restoration…

The Beaver Article by C Brandt on Restoring the Audubon Folio

The following is an article published in the Beaver magazine written by C Brandt on…

Biography by C Brandt

The following is a transcript of an audio recording. Unfortunately the recording has been lost.…

Restoring Audubon’s art – Comox Museum presents slide show and talk on local man’s restoration of rare book

Father Charles Brandt shares his experience restoring Audubon’s Birds of America at local museum. The…

Frater Charles Brandt – A Life of Conservation and Contemplation

Article about Charles Brandt as Conservator and as a Contemplative. Quotes: “…I took vows to…

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