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Demand for Charles Brandt’s Expertise

Already while working for National Museums Canada, his expertise was becoming widely known in 1977.…

The Audubon Mystery

Where possible, C Brandt made an effort to learn about the history of each document…

International Institute for Conservation – Correspondence

Charles Brandt’s conservation techniques were widely acknowledged and published in the paper conservation community. In…

“The Birds of America” JJ Audubon Survey by C Brandt

C Brandt was tasked with conducting a survey and restoration of “The Birds of America”…

Conserving Audubon’s Birds of America, Volume 1 by C Brandt

Article Written by Charles Brandt describing the history of the Audubon folios, the paper and…

MacDonald House Museum Presentation on Audubon Restoration

Charles Brandt was tireless in sharing his unique knowledge as an expert in paper restoration…

The Beaver Magazine of the North Correspondence Re Article on Audubon Restoration

Letter engaging C Brandt to submit article on Audubon restoration.

The Beaver Article by C Brandt on Restoring the Audubon Folio

The following is an article published in the Beaver magazine written by C Brandt on…

Restoring Audubon’s art – Comox Museum presents slide show and talk on local man’s restoration of rare book

Father Charles Brandt shares his experience restoring Audubon’s Birds of America at local museum. The…

Frater Charles Brandt – A Life of Conservation and Contemplation

Article about Charles Brandt as Conservator and as a Contemplative. Quotes: “…I took vows to…

A Conversation at the Hermitage

Interview with Charles by David Brown of Shaw TV Quotes: “… how would I define…

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