Paper, Book, Art Restoration
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A Conversation at the Hermitage
May 24, 2017
The Dusty Document – Conservation
July 12, 1981
On Sacred Ground
April 1, 1994
The Audubon Mystery
March 1, 1978
Paper is Fragile
February 14, 1990
Memoires of Des Barres
June 1, 1977
Operation Paper Lift by Peter Bower and Charles Brandt
January 22, 1981
Change is necessary By Father Charles Brandt
March 19, 1991
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Biography by C Brandt
The following is a transcript of an audio recording. Unfortunately the recording has been lost.…

Western People – Spiritual conservator
Charles work was published in many local papers across Canada. This Western People magazine from…

Courses on paper restoration in local communities
Charles was constantly being asked to provide paper restoration and conservation courses to the general…

Change is necessary By Father Charles Brandt
Quotes: “We are part of the earth and it is part of us.” – prayer…

Father Brandt preaches contemplation conservation
Quotes: There’s this surface consciousness, but we have an even deeper level, and that’s really…

On Sacred Ground
Quotes: “Everything out there is articulating itself, it’s expressing itself and if we were sensitive…

Restoration of the 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle by Father Charles Brandt
Father Charles Brandt was asked to restore special collections from Universities across Canada and the…