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Cold Mountain

Charles was deeply steeped in the Zen tradition while a Catholic priest in the early…

In touch with spirit

Quote: “My whole concern is to be in touch with my whole being, body, soul…

On Spirituality

This excerpt by Charles shows a stage of his spiritual journey in 1985, where he…

My Hermitage

Quote: Charles describing the place of his hermitage “I don’t think of it as a…

Source of Peace

Quote from notes in Charles files: “I meditate several times a day for about 40…

Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics

Quotes: “Today, throughout the earth we seem to have unleashed powers that we can no…

Wisdom of Social Justice and Common Charity

July 17, 1988 Contents of a letter written by Charles. “Armageddon: There is a reference…

Astronauts can see logging

Quotes: “From outer space some years ago, astronauts could see only one sign of man’s…

A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS: Father Charles Brandt Gets On With His Work

Quotes: “Everything affects everything else. There’s no way of escaping the consequences of what may…

Judy Hagen – Hunt for History – History of the Hermitage (1989)

Judy explores the path Charles Brandt took to become a Hermit Priest. In the interview…

Rivers Forever by Rev Charles Brandt

Quotes: “We stand at a turning point. How can we keep the earth viable? Those…

Our planet is calling for us to care

Quotes: “To be heard by humans, the Earth needs a human voice. Many human voices.…

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect – Part 1 by Rev. Charles A.E. Brandt (YDE)

Christian Meditation: Beyond Devotion, Intellect Part 1 by REV. CHARLES BRANDT (YDE) THE EXODUS OF…

BC Outdoors Magazine – Father Charles Brandt – A Profile

Charles notes in this article that he is concerned with preserving man’s spirit, restoring what…

Environment is Everybody’s Business

Quotes: “But the experience of despair suggests that such numbness and apathy does not stem…

A New Consciousness

Father Charles was constantly pushing the envelope to remind us all that a New Consciousness…

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