Hermitage Sanctuary: A Call for Contemplatives - Click to Find Out More


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Frater Charles Brandt – A Life of Conservation and Contemplation

Article about Charles Brandt as Conservator and as a Contemplative. Quotes: “…I took vows to…

Vancouver Island’s hermit priest sharing entwined sacredness of nature

Quotes: “Our society has to change from having a disruptive influence on the Earth to…

A Conversation at the Hermitage

Interview with Charles by David Brown of Shaw TV Quotes: “… how would I define…

Charles Brandt-Oracle of the Oyster River In Hakai Magazine

Please click the link below. https://hakaimagazine.com/features/the-oracle-of-oyster-river/ Brian Payton received a Digital Publishing Award for this…

Only a sense of the sacred will save us…

A beautiful video produced by dear friends of C Brandt – the volunteers and staff…

2020 Lifetime-Achievement Nature Inspiration Award

Quotes: “The human and natural communities must come together as one community.” “Father Charles lived…

A Benign Presence: Meditations

(From Charles Brandt’s Archives – C Brandt, date unknown) Time past and time future What…


A Document on Diversion found in Charles Brandt’s Archives written by Charles Brandt (date unknown)…

Conservationist hailed for dedication, work

Quote: “If you get close enough to nature, you get close to God.”

Francis of Assisi – The Great Work by C Brandt

Quotes: “Mostly we feel impoverished, because we have lost the sense of wonder and delight…

Christian Meditation – Environment and Spirituality – Section in Paul Harris Book by Fr Charles Brandt

Quotes: “Where does contemplation lead one? Since it finds the Ground of Love in all…

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If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!

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