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Our Spirit and Our Soul

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Our Spirit and Our Soul

 Teaching notes from Charles archives.

                                                           OUR SPIRIT

What is our ‘ spirit ‘? 

Our spirit is our:

  • thinking
  • finding (our opinion)
  • Acting
  • Doing

With our spirit we make:

  • Choices
  • Coming up with a plan
  • Contacts with our fellow man
  • Contact with ourselves
  • An  emotional and psychological development through
  • Contact with other living creatures around us

How can our spirit evolve?

  • By the degree of intelligence
  • By inner growth and development
  • By our environment
  • By experiences you acquire
  • By asking questions about yourself and your environment
  • By exploring how your mind works


If someone is born with a brain damage and not or not properly can think then his or her mind is not engaged with intricate way of thinking. The spirit makes its translation via the body, for example through the senses. It may be the intention that this man learns to find, locate, and to maintain contact with his or her environment. This man learns so whole different things than we, but for that man and his or her environment is it just as important as that you for instant proper can think.      

People in the neighbourhood will then seek for a good balance between body and spirit for this person.


Keep  in mind that in our society you need people who can do everything and people who don’t. We need all levels of development to could grow as individual, but also as family, group and society.


        Class formation (according family formation)


        Your class consists of all different children and teacher or teachers.

        Everyone has his/her own role in the class

        You have leaders, followers, doers, etcetera

        Every person has his/her own input and important task

        You will notice that every child has his/her own influence

We will now experience that…..

        A few children set up the class

        Directing the Spirit / exercises


                                                                             OUR SOUL

What is your soul? 

Deep in every man his soul is hidden.

 Like with thinking, with the spirit, you cannot touch and see it.

 The soul is your life mandate.

The reason why you live now.

The reason why you live in the family, the country and continent in which you live. 

The soul is:

  • your driving power
  • Your inner will
  • Your inner motivation
  • Your urge
  • Your destination in this life
  • Your life mandate

Every man has his own soul and its own direction which he walks in this life.

 A soul wants always to develop in principle

The spirit determines whether that’s going to happen.

The body is the vehicle of your soul and spirit. 

When you are born there is a kind of blueprint in you.

That is to say that there are already a number of things basically in place where you are going to pick up experiences.

That is the reason that you’re born at that time, in that environment, with those parents, in that family and so on.

It will be the perfect environment to let your soul grow.

 Now immediately questions crop up with many children because what if:

  • You live in great poverty?
  • You have no loving parents?
  • You’re always sick?
  • You dye early?
  • There is abuse?
  • There is neglect?
  • Etcetera.? 

Then I have yet to answer that it is the intention that you gain these experiences, because from these experiences can be learned.


I also think that if these issues are early open for discussion, you as a child early learns that there choices can be made, that there can be looked for help, that  support can be offered, that situations  can be changed.    

What if someone get sick early on and going to die?

‘That would, however, nobody wants, because you are still born to live and preferably long and happy with everything!’

Every soul determines its own cycle of his life.

That can be short, that can be long.

That has to do with your life mandate.

Some children are here to learn a particular component and if that is achieved, the soul could have chosen that its mission is accomplished in this life, for itself and the environment.

The tricky thing with the soul is that you don’t directly know or find out why life runs as it runs. Sometimes it is yet obvious for somebody, sometimes someone wants to investigate that  and sometimes someone doesn’t find out  while he or she is still alive but he /she ‘ sees ‘ it not until when dying.

We, the way we are living in the Netherlands, are not used to look at the death in a comfortable way. The death we find yet nothing.

It is that dying should eventually happen, but would rather not say!

There are cultures that deal very different with this  and see life as cycles that repeat themselves and in which you’re grow every time  a step further in the development.

Life is celebrated and death is celebrated.

They look more to the life as a whole; life here on earth and life in the universe belong to each other.

And moving in a circle of life and dead and that is a rhythmic and recurring cycle

Life and death are always connected so you know you will meet your loved ones always at a different moment and time again.

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If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!

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