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Willigis Jäger

Willigis Jäger

In the late 1980’s, Charles attended a meditation retreats in Portland, Oregon led by Willigis Jäger. Charles in a letter to Lawrence Freeman in Nov 8 1987 described Willigis offering as seeming to be un-Christian. This viewpoint would later be change as Charles became increasingly exposed to the East West dialogue.

Willigis Jäger was a Benedictine monk and Zen master who founded the Benediktushof Meditation Center in Germany. He was known for his teachings on contemplative prayer, meditation, and interfaith dialogue. Here are some of his most important teachings:

  1. The importance of inner silence: Jäger emphasized the importance of cultivating inner silence through practices such as meditation, contemplation, and prayer. He believed that this was essential for developing a deeper connection with God and for achieving a state of inner peace.
  2. The unity of all religions: Jäger was a strong advocate of interfaith dialogue and believed that all religions ultimately point to the same truth. He saw the diversity of religious traditions as a reflection of the diversity of human experience, and believed that it was possible to find common ground and build bridges between different faiths.
  3. The value of personal experience: Jäger believed that personal experience was more important than adherence to dogma or religious authority. He encouraged his followers to seek direct knowledge of God through their own personal experiences, rather than relying solely on the teachings of others.
  4. The importance of mindfulness: Jäger emphasized the value of mindfulness, or being fully present in the moment, as a way of cultivating inner peace and developing a deeper connection with God. He saw mindfulness as a way of transcending the ego and experiencing a deeper sense of unity with all of creation.
  5. The need for social and environmental action: Jäger believed that spiritual practice should not be divorced from social and environmental action. He saw the care for the environment and social justice as integral aspects of the spiritual path, and encouraged his followers to work towards creating a more just and sustainable world.

Overall, Jäger’s teachings emphasized the importance of cultivating inner peace, seeking direct knowledge of God through personal experience, and working towards creating a more just and sustainable world through social and environmental action.

While his teachings were generally well-received by the Catholic Church, there were a few areas where his views caused controversy. One of the main areas of disagreement was Jäger’s emphasis on interfaith dialogue and his willingness to incorporate Eastern spiritual practices, such as Zen meditation, into his teachings. Some members of the Catholic Church saw this as syncretism and felt that it undermined the uniqueness of Christian spirituality.

Another area of controversy was Jäger’s emphasis on personal experience and direct knowledge of God, which he saw as being more important than adherence to dogma or religious authority. This emphasis on individual spiritual experience was seen by some as being too subjective and potentially leading to a rejection of traditional Catholic teachings.

Overall, Jäger’s teachings were seen by some members of the Catholic Church as being too unconventional and potentially leading people away from orthodox Catholicism. He was banned from writing and public events in 2002. However, many of his ideas on contemplative prayer and interfaith dialogue have since become more widely accepted within the Church.

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