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Charles’ Role in Building Provincial Archives of Manitoba Conservation Laboratory

This letter describes Charles’ instrumental role in the development of the Manitoba Conservation laboratory which…

Experience while working for the Manitoba Department of Cultural Affairs and Historical Resources

The following two documents outline the breadth of experience Charles gained while working as Chief…

In touch with spirit

Quote: “My whole concern is to be in touch with my whole being, body, soul…

Br David Steindl-Rast

Charles appetite for modern contemplative writers expands after his return from Winnipeg back to his…

The Tsolum River is dead!

The following letter launched a flurry of activity within the various federal and provincial government…

On Spirituality

This excerpt by Charles shows a stage of his spiritual journey in 1985, where he…

My Hermitage

Quote: Charles describing the place of his hermitage “I don’t think of it as a…

7 Day Zen Retreat

Charles was constantly expanding his experience and knowledge with Eastern spiritual traditions. In the following…

Letter of Appreciation to Karen Sandford

One of Charles evolving strategies in lobbying was to acknowledge support offered by those in…

The Ardent Angler

Charles was asked to offer one of his fishing stories for a book called, The…

Source of Peace

Quote from notes in Charles files: “I meditate several times a day for about 40…

Centering Prayer of Thomas Keating

Charles’ spiritual life takes a turn in 1987 as his meditation practice evolves once again…

East West Dialogue

In 1988 Charles continued his exploration into the East West dialogue which would later lead…

Wisdom of Social Justice and Common Charity

July 17, 1988 Contents of a letter written by Charles. “Armageddon: There is a reference…

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