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On Pollution – A Minister Speaks Out

One of Charles’ earliest published newspaper articles in the form of a sermon he gave…

Letter denied publication

Moratorium on Oyster River

One of Charles earliest environmental campaigns, this story of where Charles began to develop his…

Oyster River Estuary Letter to Redel, BC Director of Lands

One of Charles’s first efforts to avert long term damage by a development at the…

The Tsolum River is dead!

The following letter launched a flurry of activity within the various federal and provincial government…

Letter of Appreciation to Karen Sandford

One of Charles evolving strategies in lobbying was to acknowledge support offered by those in…

How our river was allowed to die

Taxes misused while Tsolum suffers

It is interesting to explore Charles Brandt’s lobbying technique. One approach was to lay out…

Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics

Quotes: “Today, throughout the earth we seem to have unleashed powers that we can no…

Submission of the Environmental Committee of the Social Justice Commission of the Diocese of Victoria

Submission of the Environmental Committee of the Social Justice Commission of the Diocese of Victoria…

Tsolum cleaning

Rivers Forever

Astronauts can see logging

Quotes: “From outer space some years ago, astronauts could see only one sign of man’s…

Rivers Forever by Rev Charles Brandt

Quotes: “We stand at a turning point. How can we keep the earth viable? Those…

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