Articles by C Brandt
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Letter denied publication
July 11, 1973
Release report on Tsolum
December 4, 1996
The second Tsolum River is dead! letter
December 10, 1987
NDP breaks a promise – Key lands could be lost
July 23, 1997
River crusader welcomes grant
August 3, 1996
How our river was allowed to die
December 11, 1987
Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows
October 10, 1995
Moratorium on Oyster River
July 11, 1973
The Saga of the Tsolum River by Charles Brandt
June 20, 2009
Taxes misused while Tsolum suffers
December 29, 1987
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Oyster River Enhancement Society
Charles wrote many articles in the newsletters of the various societies that he was a…

The Saga of the Tsolum River by Charles Brandt
Charles Brandt describes the history of the restoration of the Tsolum River by placing a…