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Connolly Sidechanel
November 14, 2014
Vanishing Coho – River salmon beat overwhelming odds
February 27, 1991
The second Tsolum River is dead! letter
December 10, 1987
Mount Washington ARD Remediation Plan
March 19, 2007
Mt Washington Mine Remediation Executive Summary
January 29, 2008
Oyster River Estuary Letter to Redel, BC Director of Lands
February 7, 1977
Release report on Tsolum
December 4, 1996
The Oyster River – An Evaluation of Watershed Sensitivity
November 25, 2000
A Long Road to Restoration
August 11, 1999
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Oyster River Estuary Letter to Redel, BC Director of Lands
One of Charles’s first efforts to avert long term damage by a development at the…

Salmon Escapement To The Tsolum River
(1946-1986) The attached document is interesting as the earlier decimation of salmon stocks in the…

Mt Washington Mine Reclamation Project Committee
The following document highlights the breadth of the multi-stakeholder working group of which Father Charles…

Mt Washington Reports
As a key element of Charles’ lobbying efforts, he was constantly collecting a library of…

Release report on Tsolum
Charles would be relentless in gathering the technical engineering reports which would assess the current…

State of the Tsolum River
“State of the Tsolum” written by Campbell, Kathy of the Tsolum River Task Force in 1999…

A Long Road to Restoration
The following is a summary of the history of the Mt Washington Mine and its…

The Oyster River – An Evaluation of Watershed Sensitivity
Charles was determined to bring science rather than opinion and emotion to each one of…

Evaluation and Costing of Remediation Options North Pit and East Waste Rock Dump – Mt Washington Mine Site
The following document outlines the Terms of Reference for a subsequent phase of work on…