lobbying approach
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Letter of Appreciation to Karen Sandford
May 28, 1986
Tsolum poison by Father Charles A.E. Brandt
January 18, 1994
Salmon Escapement To The Tsolum River
March 29, 1986
Mt Washington Reports
March 28, 1996
A Long Road to Restoration
August 11, 1999
Letter from Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
September 13, 1999
Letter denied publication
July 11, 1973
Can the hermit priest save the Oyster River?
October 20, 1973
Oyster River funding was appreciated
July 26, 1996
Connolly Sidechanel
November 14, 2014
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Progress being made on leaching
Charles was involved in the discussions and implementation of a long list of acid and…

Tsolum poison by Father Charles A.E. Brandt
Another strategy Charles would use would be to repost a letter sent to a government…

Mt Washington Mine Reclamation Project Committee
The following document highlights the breadth of the multi-stakeholder working group of which Father Charles…

The Tsolum River Odyssey
The year of 1995 is roughly estimated for this summary written by Charles entitled, The…

Abuse and Misuse Damage Island River
Quote: “We fail to realize that the natural world is not a collection of objects…

Mt Washington Reports
As a key element of Charles’ lobbying efforts, he was constantly collecting a library of…

Oyster River funding was appreciated
As part of Charles lobbying strategy he always made the effort to acknowledge the receipt…

Letter from MacMillan Bloedel Ltd – Pearl Lake
So much of the exchange between people with differing views has become combative. Charles set…

A Long Road to Restoration
The following is a summary of the history of the Mt Washington Mine and its…