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Preliminary Report on Oyster River Flooding and Erosion
December 2, 1988
Washing continues at mine
February 15, 1991
The Hermit Priest – Harrowsmith
October 1, 1992
Astronauts can see logging
February 1, 1989
A long search for big mine
November 7, 1984
Tsolum poison by Father Charles A.E. Brandt
January 18, 1994
Mine clean-up has been a failure
May 19, 1995
‘Enemies’ unite for watershed body
June 17, 1992
Summary Article of the State of the Tsolum River
March 28, 2000
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Salmon Escapement To The Tsolum River
(1946-1986) The attached document is interesting as the earlier decimation of salmon stocks in the…

Debates of the Legislative Assembly
Charles in his lobbying efforts was also aware of the importance of bringing the voice…

Letter of Appreciation to Karen Sandford
One of Charles evolving strategies in lobbying was to acknowledge support offered by those in…

Taxes misused while Tsolum suffers
It is interesting to explore Charles Brandt’s lobbying technique. One approach was to lay out…

Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics
Quotes: “Today, throughout the earth we seem to have unleashed powers that we can no…