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River plan snagged
July 30, 1973
Letter from Ministry of Environment
February 23, 1989
Can the hermit priest save the Oyster River?
October 20, 1973
Far more than a mere manic Monday
March 11, 1988
Mine tied to salmon decline
March 2, 1986
Island Highway Lobbying Letter
May 30, 1990
More work set on copper leak
July 20, 1990
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Father Charles Brandt – Local priest wins Haig-Brown honor, celebrates his 25th
A double celebration of 25th anniversary of priesthood and 12th winner of the Haig-Brown Conservation…

Tsolum poison by Father Charles A.E. Brandt
Another strategy Charles would use would be to repost a letter sent to a government…

The Tsolum River Odyssey
The year of 1995 is roughly estimated for this summary written by Charles entitled, The…

How it should be – Hope for the Tsolum River springs from the grassroot level
This article written by Father Charles Brandt in 1995 provides a history of the Mt…

Many contributed to Tsolum woes by Father Charles Brandt
Quotes: “There is a groundswell of renewed interest in the Tsolum River Watershed. It is…

The Tsolum Watershed Revisited
Quotes: “We need only listen to what the earth is telling us.” “We fail to…

Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows
Quotes: “We only need to listen to what the earth is telling us. We are…