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A life of peace

Quotes: “I think there are a lot of natural hermits on these islands, artists and…

A Long Road to Restoration

The following is a summary of the history of the Mt Washington Mine and its…

High Tech Hermit Priest

High Tech Hermit Priest

A tranquil man honored for his commitment and contribution

Quotes: “Humanity and nature”, Brandt teaches, “are braided into a continuity of being and divine…

Raven’s Bread – Thoughts In Solitude

Raven’s Bread is a quarterly newsletter shared among hermits. The following is an article written…

The Saga of the Tsolum River by Charles Brandt

Charles Brandt describes the history of the restoration of the Tsolum River by placing a…

An Interview with Fr Charles Brandt (2010)

Marjorie Greaves interview Fr Charles Brandt Quotes: “…contemplation is awakening to the presence of God…

Hermit priest keeps doing just what he loves

Stephen Hume writes: “Brandt represents an ancient tradition of wise men and women withdrawing from…

Frater Charles Brandt – A Life of Conservation and Contemplation

Article about Charles Brandt as Conservator and as a Contemplative. Quotes: “…I took vows to…

Vancouver Island’s hermit priest sharing entwined sacredness of nature

Quotes: “Our society has to change from having a disruptive influence on the Earth to…

A Single Sacred Community

Interview with Charles Brandt by Donald Grayston and David Chang published in the Merton Annual…

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!

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