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Have a real, non-intellectual experience, urges hermit priest
February 15, 1997
Abuse and misuse damage river
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A Good Book Lasts Forever
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Father Charles Brandt: 25 years an Island Hermit
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Getting books on the mend
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Pacific Playgrounds Revised Plans
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Hermit-priest finds peace in nature
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Paper treasures how to keep them
Charles Brandt offering courses on preserving paper treasures in Campbell River. Paper treasures how to…

The CBC (Christmas Bird Count) – a whole day that’s for the birds
An extensive database of bird sightings by Charles Brandt extends back into the 1960’s and…

Taxes misused while Tsolum suffers
It is interesting to explore Charles Brandt’s lobbying technique. One approach was to lay out…

Holy Earth has Value Beyond Economics
Quotes: “Today, throughout the earth we seem to have unleashed powers that we can no…

Province begins Tsolum cleanup
The article highlights that the Mt Washington Mine represents the first acid mitigation clean up…