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Commendation Letters
February 13, 1981
Letter from Canadian Museums Association
April 1, 1980
Saving paintings presents challenge
January 6, 1983
Glenbow Museum
July 7, 1982
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Application for Position of Conservator with Manitoba Government
A 1982 picture of Charles Brandt at the ribbon cutting of the Manitoba’s Document Restoration…

Appointment As Chief Conservator for the Manitoba Archives
On June 24, 1980 Charles Brandt was hired as Chief Conservator to design and build…

Operation Paper Lift by Peter Bower and Charles Brandt
Operation Paper Lift was in response to a fire in Winnipeg that damaged records from…

Commendation Letters
These letters shed some light on Charles’ role in the salvage of records due to…

Conservation: The American Scene
In 1981 Charles Brandt as Chief Conservator of the Provincial Archive in Manitoba travelled throughout…

The Dusty Document – Conservation
Charles’ paper/book restoration work was often written about in various newsletters. The contents suggest that…

Glenbow Museum
This correspondence reflects much of Charles’ life as a well respected conservator. Charles was constantly…

Saving paintings presents challenge
Emily Carr’s, “The Heart of the Forest” restored by Charles Brandt in 1983

Art Galleries in Western Canada
Charles Brandt’s reputation spread across western Canada and the US. While working as Chief Conservator…