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Earth Story, Sacred Story, Universe Story by Father Charles A.E. Brandt (Yde)

Earth Story, Sacred Story, Universe Story by Father Charles A.E. Brandt (Yde)


“Our ‘inmost truth’ is our true self that sleeps within us waiting to be awakened by the Spirit. Transformation of unconsciousness is that movement from our false exterior self from which we operate most of the time — to the discovery of our deep true self, our inmost truth. It is important to realize that we can never arrive at this true self without a deep bonding and communion with every creature of the universe.”

“We live in a universe which is a complicated web of interdependent relationships.”

“We can’t become our true self without every other creature. If we don’t have an human-earth relationship, as is mostly the case, we are doomed to a continuation of a life of alienation and “existential dread”.

“We live at a time in the unfolding of the universe where there is strong indication of a cultural rebirth and hope. And although we may be in deep pathology and in an apparent crash situation, we can make the choice between “dread” and hope, and in choosing hope can do our part in bringing about a greater presence of the human community to the natural world so that they embrace one another in a mutually enhancing manner, so that they become a single sacred humanity.”

“We choose to become the kind of people who will accept our responsibility to protect and foster the health of the Earth, acknowledging the human community and the natural world as a single sacred community. In doing this, let us be guided by the wisdom of those who are spiritually in contact with our earth (e.g. Native people) and encourage new models of community based on a relationship with the entire cosmos.”

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