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From Anxiety to Peace, July 5-7 ’24

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From Anxiety to Peace, July 5-7 ’24

The Canadian Christian Meditation Community (CCMC)
invites you to attend the:

National Conference Retreat

We will see why the solution to the ecological crisis lies in our inner ecology. For what we are like internally so we will act externally.
Led by Laurence Freeman OSB, Spiritual Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation.

Keynote speaker Kaveh Guilanpour, former senior member of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Team and Vice-President for International Strategies at the Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions.

Other speakers are Squamish Elder Wendy Charbonneau and Dr. Jason Brown, Lecturer in Religious Studies, Simon Fraser University.

For more information, visit wccm-canada.ca/events or register online at www.bit.ly/CCMC-NC2024. Attend in person or online. Register early, as residential and commuter spaces are limited. All are welcome.

Contact JoAnn at 604-318-3429 or
email Maeve at bccchristianmeditation@gmail.com or visit online wccm-canada.ca

Event PDF: Retreat Information and Event Registration

Event Details

Event Date: July 5, 2024

Event Time: 7pm

Event Cost: See attached PDFs

Event Contact: bccchristianmeditation@gmail.com

Event Registration: Registration Link

Event Delivery: In-person & Online

Event Location:The University of British Columbia Totem Park, 2525 West Mall, Vancouver

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!