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Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts

Man Alive Background Interview Transcripts

The following is the unedited interview between Charles and Dave Cherniak in preparation for the CBC Man Alive program, “Dream of the Earth”. Only small portions of this interview were actually used in the final CBC program. It remains one of the best interviews with Charles in terms of its depth of exploration of Charles’ understanding of contemplation, the role of inner stillness, and our role within an evolving collective human consciousness. The discussion explores a Turning Point, a theme which Charles would often return to throughout his life. Works by Fritjof Capra, and Hugo Lasalle among others were instrumental in bringing Charles’ awareness to a growing proximity of a major shift in human consciousness. Thirty years after this interview there is significant evidence that this shift or Turning Point is beginning to manifest.

Quote: “So we have a tremendous responsibility. All these creative energies of the earth is poured into us, we’re going to be called upon to utilize and put those into practice. So I think its a very hopeful period and I anticipate the future with, you know, great joy.”

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