Acid Mine Drainage
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Taxpayers will be stuck with bill
January 8, 1988
The Tsolum River Odyssey
April 3, 1995
Action helps prevent more pollution
January 1, 1985
Province begins Tsolum cleanup
July 13, 1988
Tsolum cleaning
January 1, 1989
What about the work results?
February 4, 1994
Far more than a mere manic Monday
March 11, 1988
State of the Tsolum River
April 3, 1999
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Submission of the Environmental Committee of the Social Justice Commission of the Diocese of Victoria
Submission of the Environmental Committee of the Social Justice Commission of the Diocese of Victoria…

Province begins Tsolum cleanup
The article highlights that the Mt Washington Mine represents the first acid mitigation clean up…

Progress being made on leaching
Charles was involved in the discussions and implementation of a long list of acid and…

Mine reclamation a failure – Acid problem is exaggerated says mine executive
Often times in life it is worthwhile considering what was not said in a long…