Acid Mine Drainage
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The Tsolum River Odyssey
April 3, 1995
Plan to clean up river tainted by mine hailed
March 8, 1988
Reclaiming a River
September 26, 1997
Photos of Mt Washington Site Visit of Clean Up
July 26, 2009
Tsolum cleaning
January 1, 1989
Province begins Tsolum cleanup
July 13, 1988
Taxpayers will be stuck with bill
January 8, 1988
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The Tsolum River Odyssey
The year of 1995 is roughly estimated for this summary written by Charles entitled, The…

Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows
Quotes: “We only need to listen to what the earth is telling us. We are…

Reclaiming a River
Quotes: “The ultimate custody of the earth belongs to the earth. The earth will solve…

State of the Tsolum River
“State of the Tsolum” written by Campbell, Kathy of the Tsolum River Task Force in 1999…

A Long Road to Restoration
The following is a summary of the history of the Mt Washington Mine and its…

Photos of Mt Washington Site Visit of Clean Up
Wayne White of the Tsolum River Task Force shares photos of the Mt Washington clean…

Narwal Article- Tsolum River Cleanup
ON THE GROUND Three years of mining, 40 years of taxpayer clean up for river…