Environmental Activism
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Debates of the Legislative Assembly
May 6, 1986
Oyster River funding was appreciated
July 26, 1996
Island Highway Lobbying Letter
May 30, 1990
A tribute to Rob Bell-Irving
February 19, 1991
A Long Road to Restoration
August 11, 1999
Letter from Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
September 13, 1999
Mt Washington Reports
March 28, 1996
The Oyster River – An Evaluation of Watershed Sensitivity
November 25, 2000
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The Oyster River – An Evaluation of Watershed Sensitivity
Charles was determined to bring science rather than opinion and emotion to each one of…

Evaluation and Costing of Remediation Options North Pit and East Waste Rock Dump – Mt Washington Mine Site
The following document outlines the Terms of Reference for a subsequent phase of work on…

A Case Study of Community Engagement – National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative
The article provides a history of the Tsolum River Task Force in 2006 set up…

Photos of Mt Washington Site Visit of Clean Up
Wayne White of the Tsolum River Task Force shares photos of the Mt Washington clean…