Environmental Projects
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Hundreds march for peace, environment
April 24, 1991
Oyster River Dredging Delay Sought by Board
August 7, 1973
Priest gets Cal Woods award
February 15, 1989
Photos of Mt Washington Site Visit of Clean Up
July 26, 2009
Act now save a fish estuary
January 29, 1975
Pacific Playgrounds Revised Plans
March 23, 1976
Remediation work imminent on abandoned copper mine
October 24, 2008
Father Brandt tackles environment questions at NDP constituency meet
November 30, 1982
Mystery oil spill source sought
September 29, 1989
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The Tsolum Watershed Revisited
Quotes: “We need only listen to what the earth is telling us.” “We fail to…
Abuse and Misuse Damage Island River
Quote: “We fail to realize that the natural world is not a collection of objects…
Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows
Quotes: “We only need to listen to what the earth is telling us. We are…
Mt Washington Reports
As a key element of Charles’ lobbying efforts, he was constantly collecting a library of…
Oyster River funding was appreciated
As part of Charles lobbying strategy he always made the effort to acknowledge the receipt…