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Silt threatens Browns River

The Tsolum Watershed Revisited

Quotes: “We need only listen to what the earth is telling us.” “We fail to…

Abuse and misuse damage river

Abuse and Misuse Damage Island River

Quote: “We fail to realize that the natural world is not a collection of objects…

Copper solutions studied

Future is now at ski resort

Tsolum: Concern for this damaged river grows

Quotes: “We only need to listen to what the earth is telling us. We are…

Thanks for the time

New funds may revive Tsolum

Tsolum Team awaits word on copper

Weir issue is topic

Mt Washington Reports

As a key element of Charles’ lobbying efforts, he was constantly collecting a library of…

Oyster River funding was appreciated

As part of Charles lobbying strategy he always made the effort to acknowledge the receipt…

River crusader welcomes grant

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If you have any questions or just want to learn more about the Brandt Oyster River Hermitage Society, please feel free in filling out the form below and we will be in touch. Thank you!

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