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Earth Story, Sacred Story, Universe Story by Father Charles A.E. Brandt (Yde)

Quotes: “Our ‘inmost truth’ is our true self that sleeps within us waiting to be…

The ancient art of book-binding

Tsolum Team awaits word on copper

Weir issue is topic

Planted Near Running Water

Quotes: “To help bring about a deepening relationship between the human community, and the earth…

Oyster River funding was appreciated

As part of Charles lobbying strategy he always made the effort to acknowledge the receipt…

River crusader welcomes grant

Hermit monk to address CV Unitarians –

Talk entitled “The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos:

Release report on Tsolum

Charles would be relentless in gathering the technical engineering reports which would assess the current…

Owls invade CFB Comox

Mine report okay with group

Rare goose spotted

Have a real, non-intellectual experience, urges hermit priest

Charles Brandt was regularly called up on to share his life experiences with various religious…

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